Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Axis & Allies & Fuzzy Q-tip Hats
This story (via C-baby) describes a Texas high school marching band director who was shocked, shocked that the audience at a football game could misconstrue his field show featuring a Nazi flag as anything other than the masterwork of historical drama it was. (Am I the only one who's surprised that, this being Texas, nobody saluted?)

I, for one, mourn the lost days of wholesome, family field shows such as the following:

In 1990, the [Stanford] band was briefly banned from the state of Oregon for hacking up a stuffed spotted owl during a half-time performance at the U. of O. In 1994, 21 bandmembers made national news for performing "She's Not There" on the steps of the L.A. County Courthouse during the O.J. Simpson trial. And last year the university was forced to apologize to Notre Dame for a half-time performance in which a member conducted the band with a crucifix while dressed in a nun's habit and recited a script that said Irish culture consists mostly of "fighting and starving."