Sunday, September 01, 2013

Increasingly Unlikely Alternatives to “Rock Out with Your Cock Out” for Fans of Other Musical Genres.

Punk out with your junk out.
Swing out with your thing out.
Soul out with your mole out.
Blues out with your shoes out.
House out with your blouse out.
Thrash out with your rash out.
Groove out with your hoove out.
Folk out with your yolk out.
Samba out with your mamba out.
Waltz out with your schmaltz out.
Hula out with your medulla out.
Rhumba out with your lumbar out.
Tango out with your mango out.
Oldies out with your shouldies out.
Grunge out with your sponge out.
Disco out with your Crisco out.
Jazz out with your azz out.
R&B out with your T&A out.
Flamenco out with your Chernenko out.
Bossa Nova out with your Navratilova out.
Great American Popular Song out with your Great American Popular Schlong out.
Pop out with your copout.